Played on the The Breakfast Show (9/5/97).
Mark: I'm a Rock N Rollin man, In a crappy little van And I'm dead excited me. We're doin' our first gig in the Porcupine and Pig Got to be in Inverness by three, Lard's at the wheel, had a happy eater meal, M&L: Rock N Roll! M: I've got a pair of leather kecs and a pair of tinted specs And an electronic guitar. Started out at two and we're just approaching Crew, We haven't got very far, His eyesight's crap and he hasn't got a map, Just take me home. Lard: No, Now I know where I'm going, Our kid, Just sit back, enjoy the ride. M: Well you'd better get it right or I'll beat you senseless. (Talky Bit) L: Course I'm right, I'll just take the next right. M: Well just get me there, I'm dead exited about this gig you know I am, you're always spoiling things for me. L: Sorry. (Singing starts again) M: Many miles on the clock and I'm ready to rock, How's it looking Lard? L: We're on the A37 and we're fast approaching Devon, Shall we stop off for a jar? M: God I wish I'd never met this Lardy theckless get, Just take me home. L: No, Now I know where I'm going, Our kid, Just sit back, enjoy the ride. M: Please get it right cos' I'm losing my sense. (Talking bit) L: Look we're in Torquay right, I'll just take the next left. M: Oh-ba-a-ye-ge I, I'm goin' to practice my singing right. The Quantocks?, is that near Inverness? L: Yeah. (Strange Swingle 2 type singing) M&L Holly, Dick, Nu and a shovel full of poo, I work on the land, dum dum de dum. (Talking) M: Right where are we up to? Budleigh Salterton! L: Yeah, that's just outside Scotland. M: It's absolutely no where near it, just turn the van round and get be back. L: Look here, Bideford, 4 miles.
To do the intro / main riff put a capo on the second fret and then play this:
E-----------------------|------------------|--3p2p0----0---0--|----------------------| B-----------------------|------------------|-------------3----|----------------------| G-2p1-------------------|------------------|------------------|----------------------| D-------2------0-----2--|------0------0h2--|------------------|----------------------| A-----------2-----------|0h2-----2---------|------------------|----------------------| E-----------------------|------------------|------------------|--2B--0--4B--0--2B--0-|
This song is featured on The Worst... Album in the World... ever... ever! by The Shirehorses. For more Shirehorses information go to our Shirehorses page.
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