SongBookSha La La La, Tum Tee Tum (Untitled)

by Moronico

Based on What Do You Want From Me? By Monaco

This was first broadcast on the Breakfast Show on 7/3/97. The person called Hook is Peter Hook of the band Monaco.

Hook: Sha la la la la la lar x4
Mark: This is our new song,
Lard: We think that it's alright,
M:    It's got a good hookline, but the lyrics..
L:    Absolutely S****.

L:    Here comes the chorus,
M:    This is quite a good bit,
L:    But if we're honest,
M:    We're struggling with the words a bit.

All:  Sha la la la la la lar x4

L:    I wondered lonely
      A, a, ah, a, ah, as a cloud,
M:    You`ve pinched that off Wordsworth,
L:    Well isn't that allowed?
M:    Of course it's not,
L:    What d'yer mean,

M:    We`ve got to write our own words,
      Or Wordsworth's lawyer will knobble us,
L:    Well I`ll give it a go our kid,
      Tra la lar, de dum, de Cobblers,

All:  Sha la la la la la lar x4

M:    Low slow Bass Solo,
      (Twangy Guitar Bit)

All:  Sha la la la la la lar x6
      (Farty Noise

Guitar Tips

Main Bass Riff:


/ = Slide

This song is featured on The Worst... Album in the World... ever... ever! by The Shirehorses. For more Shirehorses information go to our Shirehorses page.

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